4 min readJan 23, 2021



“The truth is always between the lines”

Yes, I know, we haven’t even finished the Corona pandemic and I’m already talking about the next pandemic.
But the truth and the documents are out there,we just need to look for them.
I guess most of you today have heard of the released document by Rockeffeler “”Operation LockStep”” which envisions how states and powers should act if they get to Lockdown.

This scenario is just an extension of that. Futuristic scenario related to communication in case of health emergency situation.

Who is behind this proposal?

Of course John Hopkins who else would be and the philanthropist Bloomberg.

What is the document about?

Well that’s really interesting because the scenario is guided on 89 pages by predictions.
One thing that caught my eye is the predictions with (made up or code names) related to USA.
The document states that President *Randall Archer* was given a mandate from 2025 until then he was the Vice President under President Jaclyn Bennett (what a funny inicials J.B We all know it is Joe Biden) but that JB will not be able to get a second term due to his health condition.
Now im not sure if this are coincidents or true agenda its on you to decide.
As you will see alot of things here are almost similar to our current corona pandemic.
Only difference between these two Corona and Spars pandemic is not how the goverments acted but comunication between country’s as its stated in documents.
As the script goes, Catholic priests go to the Philippines to help with food clothing and other humanitarian items.
After finishing their humanitarian work, they returned to Minnesota Where everyone got some symptoms that they most likely picked up in the Philippines.

For the first couple of days they believed it was just the flu but the flu tests were constantly negative. To cut a long story short, it was too late when health facilities understood what it was all about.

So the WHO declared a SPARS pandemic.
Not only that, but the scenario contains incredible data on virus mortality, as the pandemic spreads first news say the death rate is 4.7%. Later the WHO talks about a 14–15% mortality rate and then 50% for anyone over the age of 64 and after a year the mortality rate would be 0.6% much similar to the scenario as with the Covid virus.
What I find fascinating is that the document also says that young people will then have thin flexible screens aka phones.
New phone technology that you can stick on your hands, clothes, bag, etc., etc.

They have literally revealed that 2025 will bring new phone technology to market.
Now, the more you read, the more you realize that the scenario is not just about solving a pandemic, but how to control the people so that the epidemic that spreads fear is presented to them in a better way.
Following the scenario, we see that they will make a cure in the form of a tablet, but after some time it will turn out that this cure is not effective. Therefore to keep the dust from rising, the vaccine called “Corovax” will come soon after removing the pills.
The scenario also talks about a future social network ZapQ(now im not sure if this is real name or code name as i already checked that domain and its nothing special there yet) where people will be able to communicate in the cloud with each other and with the government.
We will see how it will work in 2025. There is also disscusion of how to reduce the number of anti-vaccines so that many people as possible receive the vaccine.
Did anyone else noticed that lets say 40–80 years back when industry’s’ accross the world needed millions of people to work, to help them envolve to make a world better place there were not so many diseases, viruses, pandemics as today.
These days new viruses appear every 4 years.
Isn’t it weird that today when everything has progressed we think about colonizing Mars and yet we can’t deal with the virus?
I’m starting to get the feeling that as technology expands and the world becomes more and more robotized that we humans have actually become unnecessary to the Elite.
If that is true, I am afraid of what the future holds for us.




Written by Story's

"Magic starts with words,so let there be magic"

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